Safety alert NYFD issued an alert for E bikes please make note of this

The fire department of NY has issued and alert that there have been more than 100 fires caused by ebikes mainly the lithum Ion batteries caught fire some of them exploded .
Bikes where being charged with after market charging cables in some instances , but the reasons have not been fully investigated .

Are you ready preparedness issues this public service message to help all of our members who may be building their own , please use charge monitoring control devices they make special for these type of batteries  especially if you are bundling them to reach your energy needs.
What these devices do is monitor the charge of each of your batteries and make sure charging is balance and prevents overcharging .  Overcharging and dendrites in these type of batteries are the major cause of fires .  The charge controllers for these are specialty type    they wont allow it to overcharge or overheat  .

house on fireWhen charging provide a place outside with a quick off switch that will not get wet and cannot cause a house fire if their should happen to be ignition .  The fires that resulted in deaths were mostly house fires.

Keep a co2 and or electrical fire extinguisher nearby  or bags of baking soda or Sand to extinguish this type of fire , do not use water on it . What Is Alternative Energy


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